Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Windows Server 2012: Disable Server Manager at Startup

To disable Windows Server 2012 Server Manager from automatically start after logon, go to Manage -> Server Manager Properties -> Do not start Server Manager automatically at logon.


  1. Hi there. Thanks for this. I tried it but it still starts up. What I found worked for me was to disable it from Task Scheduler as mentioned in this post here: http://thisishelpful.com/disable-server-manager-starting-windows-server-2012.html

  2. There are three different methods to try. Each are explained here: http://www.firstdesk.co.uk/windows_server/disable-server-manager-dashboard-at-logon/

  3. This helps in disabling the server manager for current user. It can be disabled at server level or on multiple servers using GPOs. Check http://iamasysadmin.com/windows-server/multiple-ways-remove-server-manager-from-startup-on-windows-server-20082012 for other approaches
